A needle! In my back! That dumb, dopey bastard sutck a goddamned hyperdermic peedle into my back! I'm gonna murder him!
Thursday, June 17, 2004
Wednesday, June 09, 2004
Well, I was able to yesterday synthesize the materials myself. This is good. Unfortunetly,my results are differant fromthose that everyone else used. This is not necessarily so good as it is mysterious. Ah well.
If looks like the windfall cheese rations (or c-rats) I was to recieve will be fewer than I had anticipated.Still, as I had untillast week not been expecting any, this saddens me only slightly.Still, there should be enough to go to Disney World, home for rodents.
Sunday, June 06, 2004
Ah, my scurrying little paws will be busy upon the morrow. Not as busy as some people's, adittedly, but busy enough. Blech.
Designed a new maze for the humans today. Silly little mammals, always running around, jumping up on chairs, shrieking, and so on. Ah, got to love such control over such dumb animals.
Friday, June 04, 2004
Someone is going to die... I had everything all set up. I took two hours longer than necessary just to ake sure that everything was pure and correct...and someone had contaminated one of the ingrediants. All those hours upon hours of careful effort. It was so close too. It could be seen from eye under regular and UV light as well as from the fluorescence that it would have worked fine otherwise, that I had done evreything perfectly. But nooooo, soeone had to contaminate one of the reagents and put it back. Bastards. Makes me want to gnaw someone's face off.
Boy I tell you. If I have to go crawling through every single drawer in search of non-existent equipment one more damned time when thedrawers really, really need some lubricant, I'm going to throw a fit. Of course, fell and wrathful transylvanians who hear little but what goes on between their ears are little help in this endevour. Nor is attempting to clean a lab bench that has been the garbage bench since the 70's. How long would it take YOU to do a good job, I'd like to know?