Tuesday, July 13, 2004

If you want something done right, don't do it yourself- get someone else to do it with the appropriate carrot in front of them. Thus yesterday I came in in the morning and met with David, a fellow cheese-eater. He says to me that we have been offered a paper if we do a good job with our work. Well. 14 hours, several thousand dollars worth of chemicals, two take-out dinners, 3 packages of ramen noodles, 4 chemical spills, 6 cups of coffee, one hyperdermic needle through a finger, and endlessly re-played versions of "Can't Touch This", "Africa" by Toto, "Holding out for a hero", "The Thong Song", and, of course, "Can't Touch This" by MC Hammer later, we finish, happy and satisfied and head for home. When the results came in, I let out a rebel whoop the likes of which have not been heard for a hundred and fifty years.

What are we doing tonight Brain? The same thing we do every night, Pinky....

The theme song of the night became "Don't touch that" by MC Brok.


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