New Years Resolutions:
1. Quit Smoking.....again
I was supposed to before but realised that since tomorrow starts my first day of finals I would be stupid to do so now.
2. Look like a heroin addict by the end of the year
Or at least a reasonable fascimile thereof.
Today I retrn to work after myweek-long vacation. I'm not too happy about it. I'm enjoying one last smoke while I dry from my shower, then off to the salt mines. I'll have info and pics abot my little vacation later.
I'm starting to severly dislike my job and all. I've been doing it so long, and the longer I do it, the longer that it seems to take. No matter how long I attend classes, it seems I've been stuck at another two years, as at the end of every semester, I am pushed back another semester. I want this degree, but I am starting to wonder if grad school is really the right decision. I haver to think about it. At least I still have plenty of time to think about it. I really hope I start getting paid more soon tho. Here's hoping.
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